Eco-Friendly Dentistry: 15 Ways to Go Green in Your Dental Practice

Eco-Friendly Dentistry: 15 Ways to Go Green in Your Dental Practice

The importance of sustainability in our world is growing increasingly more apparent and as global citizens, we all have a role and responsibility in preserving our planet’s resources for future generations. Dentistry is no exception.

Dentists are uniquely positioned to lead the way in environmental leadership due to the nature of their work and its potential for significant resource consumption. From reducing waste and energy use to choosing sustainable products and suppliers, dentists from advise that most dental practices can become more and more environmentally conscious in the following ways.

Going digital reduces the need for physical resources. This includes using electronic patient records, digital X-rays, online appointments, and electronic billing and communication.

Use LED lights and Energy Star-rated equipment to minimize energy use. Turn off unused equipment, and consider installing solar panels to offset energy consumption.

Use water-saving devices on faucets, autoclaves, and vacuum systems. Educate staff about the importance of water conservation.


July 3, 2023